Department of Arts & Sciences

Events & Contests
Mathematics MyLabsPlus Learning System

Courses Offered

Developmental/Co-requisite Offerings

Take before or with ENG-111

ENG-002: Transition English

This course provides an opportunity to customize foundational English content in specific areas and will include developing a growth mindset. Topics include developing the academic habits, learning strategies, social skills, and growth mindset necessary to be successful in college-level English. Upon completion, students should be able to build a stronger foundation for success in their gateway level English courses by obtaining skills through a variety of instructional strategies with emphasis placed on the most essential prerequisite knowledge.

*Offered each semester

ENG-011: Writing & Inquiry (ENG-111) Support

This course is designed to support students in the development of skills necessary for success in ENG 111 by complementing, supporting, and reinforcing ENG 111 Student Learning Outcomes. Emphasis is placed on developing a growth mindset, expanding skills for use in active reading and writing processes, recognizing organizational relationships within texts from a variety of genres and formats, and employing appropriate technology when reading and composing texts. Upon completion, students should be able to apply active reading strategies to college-level texts and produce unified, well-developed writing using standard written English.

*Offered each semester

English 100-Level (Literature) Offerings

3 Credit Hours

ENG-102: Applied Communications II

This course is designed to enhance writing and speaking skills for the workplace. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare effective, short, and job-related written and oral communications.

*Offered spring semester

ENG-111: Writing & Inquiry
This course is designed to develop the ability to produce clear writing in a variety of genres and formats using a recursive process. Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course that is guaranteed to transfer for general education equivalency credit to each of the 16 institutions in the University of NC system.

*Writing Intensive; offered each semester

ENG-112: Writing & Research in the Disciplines
This course, the second in a series of two, introduces research techniques, documentation styles, and writing strategies. Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course that is guaranteed to transfer for general education equivalency credit to each of the 16 institutions in the University of NC system.

*Writing Intensive; offered each semester

ENG-113: Literature-Based Research

This course focuses on writing that involves literaturebased research and documentation. Upon completion, students should be able to construct mechanicallysound, documented essays and research papers that analyze and respond to literary works.

*Offered spring semester

ENG-114: Professional Research & Reporting
This course is designed to teach professional communication skills. Upon completion, students should be able to work individually and collaboratively to produce well-designed business and professional written and oral presentations.

*Offered each semester

ENG-125: Creative Writing I
This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to practice the art of creative writing. Upon completion, students should be able to craft and critique their own writing and critique the writing of others.

*Writing Intensive; offered each semester

ENG-126: Creative Writing II
This course is designed as a workshop approach for advancing imaginative and literary skills. Upon completion, students should be able to submit a piece of their writing for publication.

*Writing Intensive; offered each semester

ENG-131: Introduction to Literature
This course introduces the principal genres of literature. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze and respond to literature.

*Writing Intensive; offered each semester

English 200-Level (Literature) Offerings

3 Credit Hours; take ENG-112, ENG-113, or ENG-114 first

ENG-231: American Literature I (Beginnings to 1865)
This course covers selected works in American literature from its beginnings to 1865. Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course that is guaranteed to transfer for general education equivalency credit to each of the 16 institutions in the University of NC system.

Note: This class does not have to be taken before American Literature II (ENG-232); the I and II just refer to the time periods covered, not order.

*Writing Intensive; offered each semester

ENG-232: American Literature II (1865 to Present)
This course covers selected works in American literature from 1865 to the present. Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course that is guaranteed to transfer for general education equivalency credit to each of the 16 institutions in the University of NC system.

*Writing Intensive; offered each semester

ENG-241: British Literature I (Beginnings to Romantic Period)
This course covers selected works in British literature from its beginnings to the Romantic Period. Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course that is guaranteed to transfer for general education equivalency credit to each of the 16 institutions in the University of NC system.

Note: This class does not have to be taken before British Literature II (ENG-242); the I and II just refer to the time periods covered, not order.

*Writing Intensive; offered each semester

ENG-242: British Literature II (Romantic Period to Present)
This course covers selected works in British literature from the Romantic Period to the present. Upon completion, students should be able to interpret, analyze, and respond to literary works in their historical and cultural contexts. Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course that is guaranteed to transfer for general education equivalency credit to each of the 16 institutions in the University of NC system.

*Writing Intensive; offered each semester

ENG-261, World Literature I

This course introduces selected works from the Pacific, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas from their literary beginnings through the seventeenth century. Emphasis is placed on historical background, cultural context, and literary analysis of selected prose, poetry, and drama. Upon completion, students should be able to interpret, analyze, and respond to selected works.

*Offered summer semester

ENG-262, Word Literature II

This course introduces selected works from the Pacific, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas from the eighteenth century to the present. Emphasis is placed on historical background, cultural context, and literary analysis of selected prose, poetry, and drama. Upon completion, students should be able to interpret, analyze, and respond to selected works.

*Offered summer semester

ENG-273: African-American Literature
This course provides a survey of the development of African-American literature from its beginnings to the present. Upon completion, students should be able to interpret, analyze, and respond to selected texts. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement for transferability as a pre-major and/or elective course requirement.

*Offered summer semester

ENG-274: Literature by Women
This course provides an analytical study of the works of several women authors. Upon completion, students should be able to interpret, analyze, and discuss selected works. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement for transferability as a pre-major and/or elective course requirement.

*Offered spring semester